Residential Real Estate

March 15, 2023

Home Decorating: 8 Money-Saving Tips for Stylish Furnishing

Decorating and furnishing your home can be pricey, but fear not! There are smart shopping strategies that can help you find fantastic deals on furniture and decor without breaking the bank. In this blog post, we’ll share eight top ways to save money when buying home decor and furniture. So if you’re on the lookout for stylish pieces without emptying your wallet, read on!

  1. Define Your Needs: Avoid impulsive purchases by knowing exactly what you need and have a place for it in your home. While sales may be tempting, buying items without a purpose can lead to unnecessary expenses and clutter. If you shop online, always check the product and company reviews to ensure you’re making informed choices. Working with an interior designer can be beneficial as they can assist in planning and often have access to trade discounts from popular vendors.
  2. Set a Budget: Saving money starts with knowing your spending limit and striving to stay within it. Having a budget will guide your purchasing decisions and help you resist overspending on unnecessary items.
  3. Use Online Shopping Aids: Take advantage of online shopping aids like Rakuten or Honey, which provide access to coupons and cash-back rewards. Setting up these tools on your devices is an effortless way to save money while buying home decor and furniture on a budget.
  4. Subscribe to Store Newsletters: Sign up for store newsletters to receive exclusive promo codes, offering discounts ranging from 5% to 20% off your first purchase. Staying connected with the latest promotions can save you a significant amount.
  5. Explore Discount Home Decor Stores: Don’t overlook discount home decor stores such as Home Goods, Ross Dress for Less, or Burlington. These places often carry stylish pieces at more affordable prices.
  6. Time Your Purchases Strategically: Patience can pay off when it comes to saving money. Consider waiting for holidays or seasonal sales to purchase certain items at discounted prices. Timing is key to scoring great deals.
  7. Set Price Alerts: Be savvy with online shopping by using tools like Honey’s Droplist or deal alert systems offered by various websites, such as Amazon. By monitoring price drops, you’ll know precisely when to strike and grab that perfect deal.
  8. Embrace Thrifting: Thrifting is an excellent eco-friendly way to decorate your home while being kind to both the planet and your wallet. Scour local thrift stores regularly to discover unique and affordable treasures for your space.

Decorating your home doesn’t have to be an expensive endeavor. With these money-saving tips, you can turn your house into a stylish and inviting sanctuary without breaking the bank. Happy decorating!

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xo, Abigail

about abigail

I started my real estate career at 21 years old, it first started off as a side project to create passive income while maintaining my 9-5 corporate job. Now 8 years later, I am full time self-employed, a licensed agent in the state of Ohio, proficient in investment real estate, long term rentals, development, multi family assets, short term rentals and residential real estate.

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